Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Updates...

Text Message Received at 4:53 PM:

"We are dilated to 4 and contractions are stronger. She does have a fever and baby is a little stressed. They did an internal monitor on the baby"

Text Message Received at 5:12 PM:

"Baby is not coming down. They are trying a ball between her legs. She is 90% effaced."

Text Message Received at 6:10 PM:

"Dad signed! R on oxygen now. Baby's heart rate keeps dropping."

More as it comes...Laura


  1. Praying for sweet baby boy and for Rebekah's health!!

  2. Oh my!!! Prayers sweetie!! Thank you for updating us!

  3. I've been checking back all afternoon; thanks for the updates! I hope Rebekah is doing okay - she has certanly had a long day so far. I hope the baby is okay, especially with the conern over his heart rate.

    So glad to hear that the birthfather signed - that's great news. Please tell Ben and Rebekah that there are a lot of people cheering them all on!

  4. omg! keep us updated!

  5. I am so lame. I keep hitting "refresh" to see if there are any new updates! :/ Still praying!

  6. Praying. Keep the updates coming. I am sooo excited and scared for R and B all at the same time. And Rebekah is in my prayers giving birth.

  7. I pray that by the time I finish typing this that baby boy is here. I am so excited for Rebekah and Ben. I pray for a smoother birthing from here on. Keeping everyone involved in my T&P

  8. Oh my gosh! I can't even stand it! I have been following your blog for some time now and I am so happy for you. My prayers are with you.

  9. can't wait to hear more and see pictures! prayers continued! :)

  10. Oh thank goodness he signed!! Can't believe they are so close!!

  11. Praying for all of you. I have been pacing all day. Huge hugs! -k

  12. Thinking about both Moms and the baby boy.
