Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Ty

Tyrus Lee Pinchback
born Tuesday, June 16th
6:24 pm
7lbs, 40z
19 3/4 inches long

What's in a name?
Baby's namesake is in honor of Ben's incredible grandfather who has a had a major influence on our life. You may remember me mentioning him here. It just so happens that his other grandfather is named Lee, while at the same time it's both Ben's and my middle name!

I promise to sit down later and write out his birth story and all the emotions that went along with. It all feels like a haze, right now with so many people around. We're trying to give Rebekah's family as much time with him as possible.

I will tell you...I've never known life to be so beautiful.


  1. What a fabulous name! Sucha tribute and your son will love knowing how important his name is. My son is named for his fabulous grandfather and it has always been special to him that his name held such meaning.
    Congratulations on the beginning of your life with your son.

  2. He is beautiful beyond words...
    My heart is overflowing with joy for you and Ben and Baby Ty!
    Can't wait to here the story...I am so happy right now!

  3. He is adorable......

  4. A beautiful name for a beautiful baby. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy.

  5. Congratulations Rebekah and Ben! These past few days must have been surreal. I am SO happy for you both. :)

  6. i am sure life has never been so beautiful! i love his name and that it can be shortened to Ty!

  7. I've followed your story for a long time, but never left a comment. My husband and I adopted a baby in January (out of state domestic adoption) and you are right, life has never been more beautiful. Please know that your family and birthmother Rebekah's family are in my prayers.

  8. Great name, he's perfect!

  9. Congratulations!
    What a beautiful name with such meaning!
    You have a beautiful baby boy!
    I look forward to reading more!

    Gods Love and Blessings!

  10. Pinch yourself, this IS real. Congrats and happy bonding!

  11. What a cool name! Ty is absolutely beautiful!!

  12. Congratulations!!! Ty gorgeous name for such a handsome baby! Remember to breathe these moments in...Rejoicing and praising God with you for all that He has given you and Ben and all that He has planned for Ty!

  13. He is so precious! I've been waiting for the updates. I still do :) Have a wonderful time with the family!

    Denisse (from Romania)

  14. What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy!! I think it's wonderful that his name has such special meaning to both of your families. I am so happy for you, and I can't wait to hear all about Ty's birth story (and more pictures!) :o)

  15. Love the name! Beautiful boy! CONGRATULATIONS! God is so good.

  16. I've also been following your blog for some time, and have been on the edge of my seat waiting to hear news! Congratulations on your little miracle - he is beautiful!

  17. Congratulations! to you, Ben and R! He is beautiful.

  18. Wow!!! What a gift!!!


  19. can you believe it? Ty is so precious and his name fits him so well! He is a Ty! Adorable!

    I am excited beyond words for you and Ben!

    You deserve all the happiness and joy baby Ty will bring you.

    Praying for Rebekah and her family along with your new family :)

  20. He is absolutely beautiful. I just recently stumbled on your blog and am so moved by it. I have not undergone adoption, but my husband and I plan on it in the coming years. Congratulations on a healthy beautiful baby boy.

  21. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love the significance of his name. DD is named after both of our grandmothers as well. I just don't know what else to say - so happy for you!!!

  22. amazing. simply awesome.

    he is beautiful! so much hair and perfect little face... i can't wait to read & see more! :-)

    like i said earlier... worth the wait, huh?

    praying for everyone...

  23. He is so cute!!! And I love the name! Congratulations Rebekah and Ben!

  24. What an amazing blessing little Ty is! Congratulations and welcome to the home that your mother's heart has yearned for.

  25. He's as sweet as can be. Gotta love the generational name. ;)
    Still praying for all of you.

  26. A wonderful name for a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to all of you. I'm so happy for you both.

  27. I just can't get enought of his precious face. Melia said, "he is sooo cute mommy..I want to hold him"

  28. I absolutely love his name!


    Rebekah has given you a beautiful gift. I know you will treasure her and this gorgeous baby boy always.

    I'm so happy for you.

    CeCe in MS

  29. Congrats!!! God is soo good! :) He is so handsome! Love his name and how it came meaningful! Happy for you all and praying for the upcoming days! :) GOd bless!

  30. Oh my, he is SOO beautiful!! I love the name ;) It happens to be my middle name too.

    Congratulations on your new baby boy!!!

  31. My eyes are overflowing with tears right now. Ty is so perfectly beautiful and what a wonderful name. Congratulations to you!

  32. Congratulations!!!! Today is my bday this is a great story to wake up too. He is so cute.

  33. He is amazing! I miss those teeny tiny new-baby days already - and they were only 3 months ago. Savor every moment. You are so gracious to let Rebekah's family cherish him right now - it was hard to let anyone love on B when he was born, I wanted him all to myself! I know that's just the love in your hearts right now. God is so good, and His love is shining through you and Ben right now. Congrats again!

  34. ...and so begins a new chapter. What a beautiful family you are and will be.

  35. I found your blog not too long ago and have become completely transfixed by your story. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!!I am beside myself with joy for you.

    My husband and I, after years of infertility, have made the decision to pursue adoption. Thank you for sharing your story with us and lighting the way.

  36. I LOVE HIM ALREADYYYy! haha!! What an awesome name! Congratulations! Cant wait to hear more!

  37. He's just beautiful! Congratulations!!! I'm so overly excited for you both!!

  38. I've followed your story for a long while now, I am overjoyed for you. God truly has lead you and your husband to this wonderful moment. God bless you all!!


  39. I have been following your story for a while and have yet to leave a comment. It is such a beautiful story and it is so great that someday you will be able to show it to Ty. I cry every time I read your blog and hug my baby girl. You have made me realize how lucky I am and I think of you every time being a mom is frustrating. I am so glad you have found your happy ending/beginning. You guys more than deserve it. You are wonderful people and Ty is lucky to have so many people and so much love in his life. Congratulations!

  40. so beautiful!!! So happy for you!

  41. Congrats Mama! :-D

  42. beautiful name...beautiful miracle....and i loved reading the story about ben's grandfather....amazing that it was written june 15th of last one year are three....beautiful!

  43. cute! I'm sure you are on cloud 9!

    Can't wait to hear the details and see family pics!!!

    Happy Birthday Baby Ty!!!!

  44. YAY YAY YAY! This is so exciting! Congratulations to BOTH families!

  45. Congrats! He is beautiful! Can't wait to hear more! Hope everyone is doing well!

  46. That's great that the name you chose means so much to so many people!

    Thinking of everyone - Rebekah, Ty, Rebekah's family, and the two of you.

    Love the pictures - he's so beautiful!

  47. What a stunning baby boy! Congrats Mommy and Daddy on your little dream come true!

    And thank you for sharing every step of your journey with all of us!

    Love and Prayers!

  48. He's beautiful!!! Congrats!!! We're all so happy for you!!!!!!

  49. Oh my he is beautiful! Congratulations!

  50. What a beautiful name and a beautiful baby! Congratulations. May God continue to bless and keep you on your new journey.

  51. He is so Beautiful, I am so so happy for you two. I had google reader open all day yesterday, just so I could read baby boy's updates.


    Ps. Loving all that hair of his! :)

  52. He's a beautiful baby! And, I'm so pleased that you decided to follow the Smith tradition... every firstborn baby (whether girl or boy)since your great, great, grandfather has had the first or middle name of "Lee." Thus, we have Rebekah Lee - my firstborn! Love you, Mom

  53. What a beautiful baby boy! I'm so happy this day is finally here. I know you'll enjoy every minute!

  54. I have been following your story for a while, and just wanted to say congratulations for God's blessings on your family!

  55. Rebekah and Ben,
    I have been following your blog for sometime and to say the least
    this has been such a awsome blog.
    I am also an adopted parent to a awsome baby girl she is 16 months old. The journey is long for us 16 years but soooooooooooo worth it.
    Baby Ty is gorgous enjoy and God Bless! JennyB

  56. Love the pictures of your beautiful boy, Ty!! His name is awesome, and the story behind it is so meaningful. I bet Ben's family feels very honored. Looking forward to hearing about the birth story whenever you are able to share it with us. :-) I'm sure you are soaking up these precious moments with Ty,birth mother Rebekah, and her family.

  57. Oh my goodness! I missed it by a day!! He is adoreable and I absolutely LOVE his name. We are planning on namin our son, someday, after Corey's grandfather also! I am sooo happy for you and this gives me such HOPE and excitment! Enjoy this time together as a new family!! :)

  58. I just came over from the LFCA. Congratulations on the beautiful new life in your world! He is beautiful.

    I just had to go back and read your "story". You are such a beautiful writer. Truly touching. I've never heard anyone write about their son the way you have. Your post about the ultrasound is more beautiful than anything I could have written about my own sons. This little boy is so lucky that God chose you and Ben as his parents.

  59. congratulations!!! :)
    the haze will continue for a while....but you will come out of it one day and realize you are a mama and the tears will flow again. :)
    his name is beautiful and so is he! praying for the strength you all need to handle the emotions that are present and the ones yet to come....
    soooo happy for you!

  60. What an adorable baby boy! And I love his name too and the family connection. Can't wait to hear and see more!

  61. He is a beautiful baby boy, and I just love the family name connection. I am so so so so so so happy for you!!! Wow, we are both finally moms. It feels so very good to be able to say that...what an incredible journey it's been!!!



  62. I am weeping tears of joy with you!

    Love you...Ma Riddle

  63. I have followed your blog since you were in the day 200 or so...Soooo soo happy for you. Congratulations on your little miracle. Take it all in.

  64. I am a new reader and just wanted to add my congratulations! I've read the last several days of your blog and fell in love with your story. I'm so excited to read about what happens next! Congrats again and many prayers will come your way, for everyone involved.

    Kim from MI

  65. He's perfect! What a beautiful end to this beautiful journey!
    May God continue to bless you and your family, including the new members of your family brought in through adoption!

  66. PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS...cannot wait to snuggle his little self. Love you so very, very much. Welcome to Motherhood, my dear friend.

  67. Rebekah, I have just been beside myself for the past two days. How remarkable!! Your journey has been amazing to follow along with (and how cool of Laura to keep us updated for the last few steps!)... and the best part is your journey has just begun.

    I am so thrilled for you three, and all of you involved. There is nothing guite like being a mom, being a family. Especially after infertility.

    I cannot wait to swap mommy stories with you for years to come! You will all continue to be in my prayers and thoughts. Congratulations a million times over. He in simply beautiful! Just beautiful. Welcome Baby Ty! We have been waiting for you!

  68. So beautiful! I am so happy for you!

  69. He is absolutely precious. Beautiful name too. Love the connection with Lee. Enjoy these first moments with your son.

  70. My heart is so full! I went to bed in tears last night with the thoughts of all the joy and happiness in the delivery room. I LOVE his name and his little face. I am greatful that u kept us updated thru the day yesterday. I'm looking forward to the whole story to come.

  71. Oh wow! He is SO gorgeous. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy! Thinking and praying for all of you.

  72. Connected to your blog through lost and found and did a quick catch up on your story. I know this blessing and am so excited for you. He is simply beautiful. I love your story because I can relate so much to your faith. God will not let us down and you will be reminded of that through your son from this day forward.

  73. can't get enough of that sweetness! SOOO happy for you all!

  74. I've been lurking for a few months, but hadn't logged on for a few weeks--and here is baby Ty! (Welcome to the World Baby Ty! You are so beautiful!)

    Sending blessings to you, Daddy and the whole birthfamily.

  75. I've been lurking for a few months, but hadn't logged on for a few weeks--and here is baby Ty! (Welcome to the World Baby Ty! You are so beautiful!)

    Sending blessings to you, Daddy and the whole birthfamily.

  76. he is beautiful....this is wonderful...a truly amazing story that is only just begun!
    i love his name.....

    m :)

  77. Love the name Tyrus!!! God is so good. Congrats to you and your new little family. :)

  78. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! Great name! What a ride, huh?! I am soooo happy for you and cant wait to see the first pic of you all together! :)

  79. He is beautiful!! I am so happy for you guys!

  80. Hi there Ty,

    Kellen here! Don't know what you did, but my mommy is all tears* and daddy just looks at her with a smile...weird!

    High five buddy! Welcome to this crazy place they call Earth! I believe we don't have to worry at all, cause there is a BIGGER (eyes rolling) HAND (showing my hand...high five again!) taking care of that is you and me...and no...the mommies and daddies are extra lovin! Teehee!

    If your mommy cry - they do that! All the time. It's happiness they say. My mommy cried and laughed all at once... weird. but i love her!

    i get the feeling you are! Teehee! I love it!!! Just 'eeee' a bit louder..and they will move a mountain for you! :-)

    High five! Take it easy the first few days! You have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy all the loving of all the family!

    We are indeed very lucky boys!!! (that is you, me, Milo and Cedar).

    Life is good!

    oh yes! just let them kiss you all over...they will get over it...eventually! (Not!)

    See ya!

    PS: give your mommy and daddy a hug from my mommy!

  81. He is adorable! Congrats, mama! Love the name!

  82. Your story and faith amaze me!@ I am new to your blog and new to adoption and find so much strength and hope in your story!!! Thank you!!!

  83. I love how unique and original the name is, and how significant it is to you guys!

    I cannot WAIT to hear all the news. But for now, enjoy your little man and time with Rebekah!!!!!!

  84. He is gorgeous!!
    Love the name....special and endearing.
    Hugs, Jill

  85. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your GORGEOUS SON!

  86. You are both incredibly blessed, and incredibly generous. You are giving as much as your are getting, and that is a beautiful thing to watch.

  87. LOVE HIM ALREADY!!!!! I think I remember you mentioning that name like a loooooong time ago! He's sooooo precious!!!

  88. He is beautiful and I love his name. Enjoy each moment and every second! It flies by!
    Midwest Mom from Chicago

  89. WOW! Congratulations!! Baby Ty is adorable! So happy for you guys.

  90. That is such a beautiful name and your son is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations on the beginning of your journey as a new mother

  91. I know you will...but please, please take care of Rebekah. I can't imagine what she (and you) are going through right now.
    God bless.

  92. birth grandmother here of grandson placed for adoption in an open adoption just 5 months ago. our story looks very much like yours and i can tell you that even though we we thought we were prepared to say good-bye to this precious child....the reality was much more difficult than any of us imagined. my suggestion is to allow the birth family to be the ones to have the "inside scoop" with information priveleges for a while. we all LOVE the adoptive family of our birth grandson so very much and we are so thankful that they have been so sensitive to our feelings. we continue to grieve, even though we believe that God has been so very faithful. blessings on your family and congratulations.

  93. LOVE this name and what a gorgeous little boy you have! I am so happy for you all!

  94. feeling your much.


    he is precious.

  95. Congratulations! You know, when you get married you think your life can't get any better and your heart can't get any fuller...and then you bring children into your family, and your love expands. It is the greatest thing. Can't wait for more photos and the birth story!!

  96. Congratulations! I have followed your blog these last couple of months and love reading what you have to share! My husband and I are in the early stages of domestic adoption and have found great encouragement with your story.
    Congratulations again!

  97. Congratulations- he's gorgeous! I love the name Ty, and what a beautiful tribute.

    Are you overwhelmed, exhausted, and tired? It must be the best feeling in the world :)

  98. He is beautiful. Congratulations to you both. Now your story really begins! Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures!

  99. Congrats, congrats, congrats! I'm so happy for you. He's beautiful!

  100. So beautiful, so amazing. What a great name and story behind it.
    I am so thrilled for you both. Now the fun REALLY begins.

  101. Congratulations I am so happy for you!


  102. I've been following your story for awhile now and I am so over-joyed for you both! Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers! Congratulations...he is adorable!!

  103. Congratulations...just reading your post takes me back to our daughter's birth just 6 months ago. Enjoy your time with your son's birthfamily, those are the times I treasure the most and I can't wait until our daughter is old enough to treasure them too! I'm praying for you and your new family!

  104. Ok, I'm totally a lurker, but I have been hoping that this all goes well for you, and I'm so excited that baby Tyrus is here!!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Ben.

  105. I keep checking for updates!!! Much love to all...

  106. Congratulations!!!!! I best wishes for many happy years with little Ty!!!

