Tuesday, June 16, 2009

18 Hours Straight...

Hello Everyone!

This is Laura again, and I just received an update from a very sleepy-voiced Rebekah. She and Ben drove 18 hours STRAIGHT last night, stopping only for an hour and a half at a rest stop to try and sleep. They didn't see the point in getting a hotel room for such a short amount of time, so they attempted to sleep in their car. However, it is so packed with baby and living essentials that they couldn't recline their seats and mostly tossed and turned. They finally decided to just continue on. Bek said she was able to sleep maybe a total of 3 hours in the car while Ben was driving, but felt nervous doing so, as she needed to help him stay awake.

But now the sleepy parents-to-be are safely at the cottage they'll call home for the next few weeks. They arrived around 5 AM and didn't bother to unpack, didn't even look at their surroundings, just grabbed their pillows, used the bathroom :), and CRASHED...they had been up for 23 hours by this point. When I spoke with Rebekah, Ben was still sleeping and they are planning on heading up to the hospital in a few hours.

Rebekah (birth mom) is dilated to 1.5 cm and her pitocin was started at 8:00 AM. All is going well at this time; I will keep you posted as I know more!

Our dear friends would like everyone to know (I forgot this myself!) that they are two hours behind their normal time zone now, so plan accordingly when/if you call.

Pray for strength, adrenaline, and a good dose of grace, as well as health and an easy delivery for Rebekah and the baby. What an amazing day...and all of your love and support means so much to Ben and Rebekah during this time.

Can't wait to post more!




  1. wow!!! so amazing to think THIS is the DAY.....keeping them all in prayer and thoughts.....and will be waiting to hear more!

  2. I cannot wait to hear about baby boy! Prayers for everyone involved!

  3. Glad you guys arrived safely and can get a little sleep. Keeping everyone in my prayers during this time and can't wait to hear more!

  4. you're a good friend Laura! Thank you so much for the updates.

  5. Wow! My prayers are with her and the other Rebekah, can't wait for the update!

  6. This is SO exciting!!! Thank you so much for posting - I am going to keep checking back all day! You all will be in my prayers all day!

  7. SO, SO, SO EXCITED!!! I'll be checking in VERY often today/tonight!! :)
    Glad that you arrived safely and are getting some much-needed rest.
    Prayers for easy birth and peaceful time for all!!

  8. Bless their hearts!! Will be praying for them all. Such a heartwarming story. Can't wait for more news!!!

  9. glad everyone is safe and sound....and sleeping. :)
    today is the day!! brings back SO many memories of just a few short months ago. :)
    SO EXCITING!!! :)

  10. Praying!! Can's wait to meet Baby Boy!!!

  11. I have been following your blog for a while and am so excited that your long journey is almost over, but then a new journey will begin. Praying that all goes well and you have your dream come true in a very short period of time. Please know that your family is in my prayers, especially on this special day!! Susan

  12. Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date, Laura! What a great friend you are. =)

  13. I am so glad they made it safely! I am still praying!

  14. thanks again for the update! totally blog stalking over here!

    all our love and prayers!

    ~katie, robb and grayden (who by the way can't wait to grow up with his new blog friend!)

  15. Thanks Laura, for taking the time to update.

  16. let the sleepless nights begin, WOW! This is so so so exciting and nerve wracking, and exciting...and just WOW! I can't believe the time is finally here!! I am so thrilled, and will definitely be saying many prayers for all of you.

    Huge hugs,


  17. I'm SO excited, I'll be checking the blog like crazy until I hear more!

    Rebekah, if you get a chance to read this, today Colt turns 6 months old! So it's a special day for me personally, and how exciting that Baby Boy could be born on this day. I imagine if we lived closer, our boys could be good friends!


  18. I have chills of excitement!!!
    What a beautiful day!
