Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 235

I did it. I finished. [Did you hear that?] I ACTUALLY FINISHED MY BACHELOR'S DEGREE. Okay, well presuming I got a passing grade on the 30 page capstone paper I just turned in....

I know people graduate every semester, blah, blah, blah. But, this is different. Seriously.

May 2000. Graduate High School.
August 2000. Head to Northern with my bestest friend and bite off more than I can chew as a Pre-Med student.
August 2001. Head back to Northern with l0ve-glazed eyeballs and wedding bells around every corner (Ben proposed). Decide I just want to be a wife and switch to an English major and lose most of my first year's worth of credits.
January 2002. Reality sets in, Ben's in school, someone has to work, I take the semester off to plan our June wedding and work full time [BIG Mistake].
..............want nothing but Ben for a whole year.......................
August 2003. Realize I now have to work full-time and am going to have to finish school at night, taking two classes at a time....oh, and now I can't be an English major because they only offer Business classes at night [Totally Bummed]. I head to Davenport University.
August 2006. I'm forced to take a year off because we bought our own business [BIG Mistake #2]
August 2007. Head back to Davenport and formulate a death plan to finish by August 2008. The plan includes 4 classes per semester non-stop, all the way through...(Mind you, I'm working full time!)
August 2008. I should be done, but got screwed over by an inept counselor and am forced to go one more semester.

December 2008. My life is crazy, my job got inanely stressful out of nowhere, we're adopting a baby, it's Christmas, and I have a freaking 30 page capstone research paper to turn in that wasn't even started as of Sunday. Really.

And just like that I'm done. I can't believe it. I never thought I would see the day. I should run around the house jumping, yell through the neighborhood "I'M FINISHED!!!!," or at the very least have celebratory sex with Ben. But alas, I am too tired. The weeks of crazy have caught up with me and every muscle in my body aches from sitting in the same position on the couch for 12 hours straight working on a duller than dirt paper.

So, here's the extent of my celebration...YAH.

I get 4 wonderful school-related stress free months of bliss...[Hint, hint: perfect time for a baby...] and then it all starts again. Hopefully, I'll have completed my Master's and Doctorate in the next 8 years...Then my average won't be so bad!


  1. YEA!!!! CONGRATS!!!! What a GREAT feeling...and to say I knew you when it all began and we won the "How Rad is Your Pad" dorm room contest *sigh* :). Enjoy your rest, Little Miss Bachelor's Degree.

    BTW,Dan's brother Josh's wife had a baby...that's who I was referring to. I sent you an e-mail, but I don't know if you check it on the weekends.

    Love you! SO PROUD!!

  2. Congrats! What a great feeling. I am so proud of getting my BS degree. I'm not doing anything with it right now, but still proud of myself for graduating with honors!

    Way to go! You can celebrate later!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! Yes, people do graduate every semester, but you did it and I can relate to the excitement (and exhaustion) you feel now. GOOD FOR YOU!!


  4. Congratulations...and it could be could be doing your freshman year when you are 37. I'm just sayin'!

  5. You should be sooo proud! Congratulations! Now it's time for baby! :-)

  6. Congratulations, Rebekah! I loved that mix of elation and relief I felt during Commencement Week... all those years ago... *wistful*... It made the years and tears worth it. Mostly. *wink*

    But, seriously, I am so excited for you! Enjoy your holiday season with a light heart. It's the best time of the year, and it's time for you to revel in it.

  7. Congratulations!!! Well done on finishing (and hey, we all have our own unique paths in life - after graduating with an English major nearly 10 years ago, I find myself back doing another undergraduate degree and feel like if I had just gotten my act together the first time, I could have saved myself a lot of hassle).

    Enjoy your freedom over the holidays. (And there's plenty of time for celebratory sex now - I had to laugh at that bit because I think my husband was hoping for some after I finished my last exam this week, and like you, I was just too tired!)

    I'm so happy for you!

  8. Very Exciting!!! We should go out and celebrate. Who needs to shop and warp, I mean YOU still have 5 more days till Christmas. Congrats!!! love you!!! GREAT JOB!!!

  9. HUGE Congrats coming your way! :)

  10. i'm excited for you! you are too funny-all that work and then the best celebration is sitting. I know the feeling- you are right perfect time for a baby :)

  11. i just found your blog and spent the last hour or so reading back on your archives. My hubby and I are almost(!) in the pool for a domestic adoption and it was really neat to read about your journey, thanks for sharing and good luck to you!

    "delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"


  12. Congratulations! That is such an accomplishment. We did the same thing....marry while in college. It took me nearly 8 years just to get an associates degree. I had planned on continuing to get my BS, but we got a baby instead. Pretty good trade-off!

  13. I wish I had stayed in and got my masters, but now I am 40 and have baby and have no time! YOU ARE BRAVE! Best of luck and enjoy the brake!

  14. Congrats! YOU don't graduate every day! No one else did all your hard work!
    I remember well what it feels likes! Enjoy!

  15. You go girl!!! I am so proud of ya! And, now you can relax ... for a while anyway! Enjoy your Christmas with Ben! And, GREAT JOB!!

  16. Congratulations! So are you an English major? If so, I would love to hear what your paper is about. If it's business, I might not be as excited to hear about it :) :) :)

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is an accomplishment and one to be quite proud of- way to go:)

  18. I found out a new situation and I immediately thought of y'all. African-American twins due 2/09. Here is the link to the info.

  19. Congratulations!!!! Four free months. Hmmmm..... I hope the timing works out perfectly for you two.

  20. Hooray Rebekah your done!! Congrats, I am so excited for you! :)

  21. Congrats! That's quite a timeline! You should get credit for life experience [grin]

  22. Congratulations! What an amazing milestone, I cannot even imagine how good it feels. I have been working on my bachelors on and off for 10 years, so I know just how painful it truly is.
    You are simply amazing and I know God is working in such great ways in your life right now... all the timing of everything is going to work out perfectly.

  23. Congratulations on finishing your degree!!! That is so exciting! Now some free time! I think I was lost the first month b/c I was so used to being crazy. Enjoy the time off (from school anyway!)

  24. Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment!!

  25. Big congratulations to you!!!!
    I'm so happy for you!!!
    Your right, this is an ideal time for a baby!!!!
    My prayers are with you!

  26. Congratulations!! Awesome, awesome news. I'm so excited for you. This is great.
