Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 263

Make something beautiful out of all this suffering...

So, I was driving home from work the other day and I heard this song by Nicole Sponberg on the radio. I drank in every word like they were mine, let them spill over my heart...and then I thought of you. All of my sisters who are walking this journey with me. I hope it moves you as much as it did me.


I'm at a loss for words, there's nothing to say
I sit in silence wondering what led me to this place
How did my heart become so lifeless and cold
Where did the passion go?

When all my efforts seem like chasing wind
I've used up all my strength and there's nothing left to give
I've lost the feeling and I'm down to the core
I can't fake it anymore.

Here I am at the end I'm in need of resurrection
Only You can take this empty shell and raise it from the dead
What I've lost to the world what seems far beyond redemption
You can take the pieces in Your hand and make me whole again, again

You speak and all creation falls to its knees
You raise Your hand and calm the waves of the raging sea
You have a way of turning winter to spring
Make something beautiful out of all this suffering

Here I am once again I'm in need of resurrection
Only You can take this empty shell and raise it from the dead
What I've lost to the world what seems far beyond redemption
You can take the pieces in Your hand and make me whole again, again

You have a way of turning winter to spring
Make something beautiful out of all this suffering


  1. i love this song and proved itself so true to me after the loss of our son. He does bring beauty from ashes!

  2. A beautiful song. Do you know her story and what she's been through this past year? I've stayed up to date through Angie Smith's blog (Bring the Rain). She certainly knows what she's singing about. Love you.

  3. It is a beautiful song...praying the suffering will come to an end soon. love you

  4. beautiful words....sending you love, strength, prayers and a big hug that this pain you're enduring is replaced with a happiness you could never imagine. thinking of you....

  5. very beautiful song, thanks for posting!


  6. Sarah-

    Your heart and honesty always touch me. After having three healthy, crazy kids, I had a miscarriage, then a few months later got pregnant again, everything went along great until at 21 weeks we found out a neural tube defect would keep us from having our child this side of heaven, I was defeated, I knew I would never risk getting pregnant again (my husband and I have no children here on earth together), but each time I let myself feel hurt and anger I would think of the thousands of women who have NO children, God blessed me with three children, and I know he will bless you. I recently had a pregnancy scare even though I use two forms of birth control and I remember being scared to death of experiencing heart ache again, wouldn't it be great if we had a crystal ball just for the big stuff...ha! Keep your faith, this mom in Ohio is praying for you daily!

  7. Wow... I think I needed to find this today.

    I am a HUGE Selah fan and now I will need to go get a copy of that CD.

    Thank you.

  8. You can read about the tragedy in the Sponberg family at Extremely sad story but very amazing people
