Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bonded by Blogger

I had an amazingly fun Saturday, this past week. Bloggy friend Melba and I met up (in real life) and drove a couple hours west to meet bloggy friend, Bri.  Melba and I have gotten together a few times, now, but it was the first time we were able to give real life hugs to our bud Bri.  It was such a special day for me because these ladies were among my very first blog friends and have typed along side me from the beginning.

 Bri, Riley, Me, Tyrus, Melba, and Charlie

Those of you who've walked this path know just how special it is to form relationships with people who know. It was so surreal to see our three beautiful babies splashing and giggling together. We waited so long for this...

It hit me when we gathered around the cafe table that I've never had a conversation where all the moms in the circle were adoptive. There was something so connected about our word flow. The nods and uh-huhs were constant, the understanding underlining. I don't mean to say our club is exclusive, but it sure felt good not to be the odd girl out. It felt good to feel normal.  I hope our friendships will continue because I, now, know how much I need them.

Enjoy some pictures from our day:


  1. I'm jealous...I wish I could have been there!

  2. I am not an adoptive Mommy but I do understand what you mean by being around others that totally get you. I been thinking about this lately. I never have ever talked to another birthmom in person and this is something that I really want to do. I sometimes do get the feeling from an phone conversation with a good blogger friend but it's not the same as in person.
    By the way, the pictures are great.

  3. I think I can somewhat understand where you're coming from when you say "I now know how much I need them". There is a girl I met through the adoption agency I went through who placed 2 babies for adoption. We have become close friends and I don't know what I would do without her. Before I got married and had a baby, I knew on the hard days, I had someone I could turn to who knew exactly what I was going through. My family has always been there for me but you can't replace the friend who knows the ache, the love, the emptiness you can feel after placing. For me she is invaluable.

  4. Oh these babies are so precious. Charlie and Ty were certainly living the life with that cute girl between them. LOL What a fun time you all had!!!!


  5. I recognize that place! How did you like the Gardens??

  6. Ty looks sooo adorable interacting with other kiddos. He's all toddler like now. Tooo cute.

  7. that's awesome, it's nice to be with people who "know" and no explanations are necessary.

  8. My goodness what a cute little group of kiddos. :D

  9. Looks like you had fun!!! I follow Bri's blog as well.

  10. Love this post--and I echo your thoughts on all of this! I felt the same way sitting around the table at the cafe, and watching our beautiful babes play. There is just something so right about these invaluable connections and I love it!

    Thanks for driving...and of course, for the great company and awesome day!


  11. These pics just made my day. Glad you guys had such a great time. =)

  12. i love the picture where the boys are standing next to the little girl in her stroller. they look like they're plotting something against her while she sleeps : ) Or thinking that she's sleeping beauty! They are all so sweet.

  13. I wish me and Nathan could have been there...I totally understand what you mean about having someone who just KNOWS. Would be nice to have chatted with you guys. I'm WAY too far east though. :(

  14. That picture of Riley sleeping and the boys looking on is sort of "What's that Charlie?" Charlie answers, "It's a GIRL Milo! I think they're going to be important some day, so we have to pester them for now" Milo responds, "Wow, a girl!" (sorry, I'm a fiction writer, I make up stories for everything.)

    Totally cute!

  15. Oh, wait, he's just stealing her cookie bag! :D

  16. Great post! My favorite pictures are Charlie and Tyrus sneaking Riley's snacks while she sleeps and the sand pit face plant courtesy of charlie....HA HA!! So stinken cute!

  17. what sweet pictures!!! it is so great to have that kind of connection!

  18. I'm so jealous!

    I had my first time with a bunch of adoptive parents on 4th of july weekend but I didn't feel like we were on the same boat... (You can read about it here: Adoptive parents say the darndest things.)

    There's something about blogging, about following how our lives unfold, that somehow unites us... We "get" it, we truly understand...

    I wish I could meet my bloggy friends in person and give them a big hug!

    The pictures are beautiful. Great post!

  19. Oh, Rebekah! It was wonderful, wasn’t it? The funny thing is, our situations are all so different, but we all seem to be on the same page with all the “stuff.” Honestly, I felt so honored that you guys made the trip to see me. It was so much fun and so affirming and Ty is every bit as wonderful in person! I love that I can just call you my friend now instead of my “online friend!” Lots of love!


  20. That's awesome! Good for you guys:) What beautiful blessings from GOD...and the kids are pretty cute God is so good!

  21. Just found you blog and I LOVE IT! Don't ask why but I sit here in tears. Literally crying my eyes out and I have no idea why. You can check out my blog to understand why we are choosing adoption. This blog is such an inspiration and I can not wait to start the process. Right now however, we are enjoying our precious 10.5 month old. Can't wait to keep up with your blog. So glad that I found you.

  22. I am totally jealous!! :)
    I'm so glad that you have such close bloggy friends with babes so close in age! :) I haven't had much time to blog lately, and sometimes I feel like I don't have much to say. Waiting just plain sucks...I'm about to give up on the dream. :( Not really, but kind of. You know what I mean??
    Glad you guys had a great day! The kids are SUPER cute...especially love the pic where the boys are looking at her while she's napping in the sweet!
