Sunday, March 24, 2013


I want to give a HUGE thank you to all of you that filled out my Facebook survey; I had nearly a hundred responses! Your feedback is extremely important to me, as I sit down to write my book. I have always wanted to write a book, but I have this "thing" about writing. I only write when my heart is burdened to write. This urge will come over me, almost like an unquenchable thirst...and it doesn't leave until I've pounded my thoughts out on my keyboard.

I told God I would write our story, in book form, when he gave me an urgency. Right after Ty was born, I thought my heart would explode with words, but the urgency was never present. I felt it for the first time, however, last November. Since that time God has opened the door and flooded me with thoughts and contacts and people willing to edit.

I am really excited!

This survey was important because it helped give me a taste of why my readers connect with our story...and what they want to read. The open-text box answers were the most fun to read through and although not all the questions will make it in my book, many of them will! Eventually, I will add the rest to the FAQ section of this blog.

Thank you for standing with me over the last five years and allowing me to share our story and struggles, so openly. My life wouldn't be the same without you....


  1. I read the blog because I love the blogger and am interested in her opinions.

  2. I didn't reply on facebook, but I read your blog because of your faith and your belief that open adoption is important and valuable for your family!

  3. I didn't see the survey either but I first started following because of your faith and the open adoption of your sweet boy!!!
