Thursday, October 8, 2009

Infamously Anonymous

I do not read or post hurtful, mean anonymous comments. And believe me I've had my share. I've been called every name under the sun by anti-adoption birth moms. I don't read them because they're ridiculous. I don't block them because there are encouraging anonymous readers. And I don't post them because they don't deserve a minute of your (or my) attention.

However, as long as "You bleep'n bleep...." isn't in the first line, I do read all my comments and even respond to many of them that offer email replies (Do you all know about/use that function?) I'm not afraid of conflict or answering tough questions. Like so many things in life, adoption needs a learning curve. There are many people that are simply uneducated, when it comes to adoption. Because it's one of my favorite topics, I enjoy answering questions and sharing my experiences.

All that to say, I received an anonymous comment, this week, that made me laugh out loud...and then want to fall to my knees. There are so many people blinded by lies...

Here is the comment:

Another way to see your "god":

How well do you think it would work out if psychiatry dropped the charade and diagnosed 85% of the population as paranoid schizophrenic because they believe that a Jewish zombie was observing them 24/7 and constantly interceding on their behalf to prevent his father from roasting them after they die?

Funny... but heavy, right?

I don't claim to have this super "in" with God, but we're buds for sure. I think this would make him laugh too.

I didn't post the comment to make a laughing stock of this infamously anonymous reader; instead, I want to clear up a few misperceptions. I promise not to get up on an overstated soapbox, I only have two things to say.

1) Jesus, the Jewish zombie (his/her words, not mine), is not observing us like laboratory mice. Yes, He's all knowing and everywhere present, but he only shows up when invited...and the interceding that's taking place isn't for my soul. I've already given that to my Father. Rather, Jesus intercedes on my a friend. And boy am I glad he does! Let me tell you, for two years straight, I closed off my very dark heart to all-things God. I was angry and bitter and resentful over the fact that he wasn't answering my prayers for a baby. But, my sweet, sweet friend (same Jewish Zombie guy) continued to plead my heart before our Father. In the busy-ness of life, prayer often gets pressed into compact "thank you, God"s, instead of the steady stream of communication He so desires. I, for one, am thankful that I have a friend, going to God on my behalf...and the behalf of Ben...and Ty.

2) God is not some culinary artist that heats up the flames when it's time to roast one of his kids. I do not honor God with my life because I want to avoid hell. It's a benefit for sure...but the real reason is that I want to praise him. He knows me and loves me like nobody else on this planet. He knows all the deep intricate parts of my fears and thrills and happy places. He whispers encouragement and fills my heart with desire and purpose. He is my mountain-mover, my David in the land of giants.

I don't have to work at loving God, my heart just sings it. Likewise, I don't have to prove my faith or defend my position. Love God or don't. It's everyone's decision for themeselves.

My love for him is a natural expression of who I am. The same way I breathe and smile and laugh. My heart was captured at a young age and I've been smitten ever since.

Anonymous commenter, whoever you are, I hope that some day you can experience the same heart flutters....not to keep you from hell, but so your life can overflow with all of His goodness.


  1. I just cant even comment on that comment... heavy.
    But to answer your question, NO I dont know how that email function works, wanna give a tutorial.

  2. Rebekah,

    You don't know me and I don't know you but I've been reading your blog for a while now. So maybe I'm somewhat "anonymous". But, I commend you on this post. Very well spoken. You are a true sister in Christ. That person is obviously "bothered" in some way. Good job! And, may Your God, My God....OUR God continue to bless you and Ben and sweet baby Ty! :)


  3. I wish I could have seen my own face when I read the anonymous comment - I'm sure my eyes were saucer-like!

    That being said, I want to tell you that I think your response was amazing. You said, so eloquently, what I would have loved to say but never would have found the words for.

  4. Amen!! I am a follower of Jesus and love him with all of my heart. I would like to say to your anon. commenter that if all of us that believe in Jesus find out one day that we are wrong, then we've lost nothing. But if you find out one day that you are wrong, you've lost EVERYTHING!! Isn't it worth your time to find out who's right?

  5. HeHe...that is rather fuuny. People are ignorant, especially those that leave nasty comments. I for one will be in heaven with the jewish zombie one day but for now I am living heaven on earth because of HIM and his adoption plan for my family! :)

  6. It's so sad that people jump to criticize other people's beliefs. And half the time, they have no real idea what is at the heart of that faith or religion. I am not an overly religious person, but I think there is enough room in this world for all our beliefs. And I could never criticize another person's faith anymore than I could criticize someone who is athiest or agnostic. Christianity is a forgiving faith and you have proved that today.

  7. That comment is pretty funny.

    One of the reasons that I love to read your blog is your faith. Even through your darkest times, you had faith that God was there for you and would provide. I believe that your blog may make some people think more about their relationship (or lack of relationship) with God and hopefully bring just one person to a relationship that they would not otherwise have. Not many people can say that.

  8. Wow. I am spiritual, but not religious, I don't know alot about the bible, except the things I think I need to know. I try to be a good person, I attend church once in a while (I was raised Catholic but don't practice) and I would like my kids to know about God, and Jesus, and make their own decisions as to what they are going to believe. I envy you your deep devotion, and relationship with your Lord, however, I know I am not in that place, and that's ok. I enjoy reading your posts, and I do believe that God acts in our lives in very mysterious ways. Thanks for being so open and honest about your beliefs, I think it takes courage to put it out there like that, as many other people wouldn't!! And I apologize for my lengthy responses on your blog, but you evoke such strong opinions in me!!! lol I'm actually stunned that someone as sweet as you gets hate mail!!!

  9. (I am surprised to hear that you get anonymous, mean comments! I've been reading a long time and I can't imagine what would make someone do that!)

    If anything, I am spiritual. I don't share your beliefs, but I think it is awesome that you have them and that it brings you so much joy and happiness. I would like to have that for myself! Maybe one day. But for now, I like hearing what you have to share. I love your spirit, and every time I read I wish you all well - silent good thoughts, which to me are like prayers.

  10. I never understand why people leave hurtful or challenging comments to bloggers. This is your blog, your life and if someone doesn't like it, then can click off. I think your story is amazing and I'm thankful that I can be a part of it.

  11. This is one of the many reasons why I cyber love you (did that sound dirty? - you know what I mean.)


  12. Great post Rebekah! I love your outlook and how you put things into perspective.

    By the way, congrats on your finalization date! And I love Ty's hair!!!

  13. And by the way...I think that your anonymous comment you posted about was written by a schizophrenic. My sister is law has that diagnosis, and that comment has the flavor of something she would write. I actually refuse to have any contact with her because of the crazy, mean things she said to us after we lost the baby...good thing she lives clear across the country!

  14. Such a sad and misinformed comment. Will be praying that Anonymous will educate themselves about who Jesus truly was (He IS in the history books) and not make such rash and rude comments.

  15. Perfectly and lovingly explained...awesome job!

  16. So, a few things... First is, I actually DID laugh out loud when I read the anonymous post (zombies and roasting all in one paragraph...funny). Then I sorta shock my head in sadness. This person doesn't know or feel the awesomeness (yes, I know not a word) but still works...of our amazing God. Your response was great (like always) but in one part you mentioned about turning away from God when your prayers were not answered. I too did the same thing and looking back over our journey through 2 adoptions...God never left me, not for 1 second, I on the otherhand, left Him many times.
    Thank you for always knowing what to say and how to say it.

  17. Wow - people never cease to amaze me! I admire your strength - a statement like that is sure hard to swallow, but you always are able to put it all in perspective.

  18. great comment. I too am a believer- I believe in god, am in love with him & trust him. any " normal" person with a clear mind will realize that there's someone controlling & running this world. god put us on this world for a purpose, with a task & each with its own unique challenges. and yes I do believe that theirs justice - not always is it clear - since were only part of a big picture & this world I only a pathway to the real world which is paradise ( and for some hell). so to this anonymous commenter- you should live & be merry... for tomorrow you die- and you'll find out soon enough who's in charge... who is justice & what is truth.
    rebekah I think your doing a great job.

  19. Oh that comment is just SILLY!

    Like Kimberly, I consider myself spiritual, so while I don't share the exact same faith you exhibit so darn eloquently, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for those who do - what a gift! How can anything that brings you such joy be a BAD thing?

  20. Isn't it totally awesome to praise God? I can not begin to praise him enough for my salvation.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  21. Beautifully stated!

  22. wow, that was a little crazy. their comment that is. they sure must spend a lot of time thing about God to come up with that description of Him or Jesus or who ever they are trying to describe.

    it is amazing to me how many people spend their time talking about HIM when they "supposedly" don't believe in HIM.

    i don't think they are really trying to convince us that is what HE is, they are trying to convince themselves so that they don't have to be accountable.

  23. I really enjoy your blog and how you have been honest and straightforward about your relationship with Christ in the midst of deep pain.

    My husband and I have walked a somewhat similar journey, however our direction is to become foster parents. (You can see my blog at if you are interested in our journey. I just started the blog a few weeks ago._

    Thank you for presenting Jesus in balanced fashion. It is amazing how pain in life brings a larger perspective and understanding as to who God really is... I still find it amazing that He uses our worst moments to reveal His greatest glories.

    Blessings to you!

  24. Like others have said, I just feel sorry for the poor person who wrote that. I think your response is perfect. I couldn't agree more.

  25. What an awesome, God-filled post! Very well written. Way to show His love for everybody!

  26. VERY well said! Ty is so blessed to have you as his mommy! On one level people that make comments like "The Jewish Zombie" thing make me laugh....but on another level they make me so sad. My life is so full with Jesus in it. I hate to think that someone is missing out. People just don't understand that the mystery of GOD is not something that we should not be able to figure out ...that's what FAITH is all about...Believing in things that are unseen. You are amazing..and so is your story! Keep on keepin on! Prayers!!! Mollie (ohio)

  27. AMEN! Thank you and to God be all the glory and praise.

  28. What a gracious response. I think, often, people make those responses out of ignorance, but sometimes they are trying to get a rise out of the blogger, and I find it so inspiring that you would have such a lovely response. It shows just how much like Christ you strive to be! Thank you for your example of grace and love!!!

  29. Silly, silly people! Great answer on your always, you have such a way with words and are excellent in conveying your point without coming across the wrong way. Get to working on that book! It's gonna happen. :)

  30. Love it! I'm glad you are so honest with your faith and with who you are. I've read your whole story, and as I struggled with my faith, it was SO helpful to know there was another woman out there feeling similar things. You are SUCH a blessing!!

  31. That comment was seriously ridiculous. I didn't even get it at first, it was so off the charts bizarre...but I guess it takes all kinds...even those who are not believers of Christ. After digesting it, I actually felt really, really sad for anonymous commenter person.

    Your response was just as lovely and beautifully written as always!! Well done. And I thought you handled it really well.

    Ty is gorgeous!!

  32. Wow! I am shocked you get such rude comments. Sometimes, in some blogs, I do see things that I don't like, but it's not my blog so if I can't ask questions in a nice way then I just choose to leave it be, because everyone has their right to write, speak what they wish.

  33. How sad that someone actually typed that comment or any hateful comments for that matter. Personally, I don't think they could have read your entire blog (which I have several times--wait that makes me sound like a not seen how the "Jewish Zombie" (really, that's a good one) has had such a hand in your life story. Just think of the witness your blog is. At least you got them thinking about our Jewish Zombie and the fires of Hell. :o)

    from GA

  34. Was just gonna leave you some love - and I am. But I was also caught by Jodi's comment about her mentally ill sister. (Mental illness is definitely a passion of mine.) Don't wanna hijack your blog...but I will be responding to her comment, on mine. Great launching topic to educate!!! (And, Jodi, if you read this - I'm grateful that you remind me further education is needed in regard to mental illness! Nothing but respect for you and I'm so sorry about your loss.)

    I love blog world.

  35. Rebekah,
    It's sad for me to read such hateful, rude comments...and to realize how many people out there are clueless where God/Jesus are concerned. I thank GOD that he gave me Christian parents, family, and friends, to learn and praise God among. It's times like these (anonymous post person-who must be hurting terribly inside) when I really understand what God meant when he said, "Go and make disciples of all men," you do a WONDERFUL job of spreading God's word and love...and are a testiment to all the goodness and grace he provides. Although I'm not so good with words, I try my hardest to demonstrate God's love in my everyday life, hoping that "anonymous'" are touched by it in some way.
    Congratulations on setting a date for Ty's official adoption! That's super exciting. Just want you to know that, while I continue to wait for God's blessings, I'm always drawn to your blog in times when my heart is heavy. Your posts never cease to lift my spirits. Thank you! :)

  36. I apologize for others that have been hurtful with their words. You are BEYOND blessed to have Tyrus and his birthmom in your lives. I can only hope OUR experience with adoption is as full of love as your is.
    You are truly blessed...
