Sunday, October 4, 2009

Deleted Post

I had a lapse in judgement and decided to delete my last post. I had a moment of anger, but am over it. I don't want Ty's (or anyone else's) view of his birthdad to be tainted by my words.

It's all good.

Ty with Auntie Rachael!!


  1. Even better...a new pic of Ty! What a cutie!

  2. Didn't see your blog that bothered you and that's good. Ty looked very handsome in his Lion's jersey today. Go Tigers!(That's for Ben.)

  3. I read that post. You're entitled to your feelings and I hoped it helped you to get it out, even if you ended up deleting it.

  4. I know I don't know you personally but I did read both of your posts and I just wanted to say...YOU are such a GREAT MOM!!! It continues to amaze me how God can use so many different people to create HIS perfect plan for your family's life. Thank you again for being so open and willing to share struggles and triumphs in MOMMYHOOD.

  5. Darn it, I missed the lapse in judgement. Will be requiring a phone call with the story :) you...

  6. I missed it as well...a phone call or email will do :)

  7. AHEM!! I completely understand. Of course I think we can all agree that a cutsy picture of Ty beats talking about anything else in the world.


  8. Can you quit taking his calls all together? I understand keeping Rebekah, but for your own sake can you stop taking his calls? HUGS sweetie, I Thought the last post was well wrote and very kind despite your hurt!

  9. I read your post. I feel that you are completely entitled to your feelings. And I can see where you were comming from. That said. I also see why you wanted to delete it.:)

  10. What an adorable photo! He is growing up so fast! xx

  11. I also read your last post and left a lengthy comment about it lol. I hope I didn't say anything to offend you, I love how honest you are about everything, and I think that post had value, as it shows that once again, the adoption path is not easy, and there are a lot of people and issues you have to deal with on a day to day basis. I think you are a wonderful person, mother, and inspiration to us all! And I also can't imagine being the birth parent to an adopted child, it must be hard even knowing he's being raised with so much love.
