Monday, March 19, 2012

Our First Day as Four

Meet LJ. The newest special member of our family.

Our first day as four went something like this...

I set Ty on the pavement of the agency's parking lot, preparing for LJ's tears at leaving his foster mom. Ty immediately ran to his brother for a hug. He said, "Hi, LJ. I'm Ty."

LJ responded with, "Hi, Ty."

Ty looked up at me and said, "Mama! He talks!" As if the idea had never crossed his mind.

We all laughed.

Ben took one and I took one to strap in their respective car seat. Neither paid us any mind and talked about their favorite things. I remember hearing a random "Hot Dogs!" and "I like circles." You know. The important things.

They were really cute.

Ty talked to LJ the entire time to the park. LJ mostly listened, but copied everything Ty asked him to do. "See if you can touch the ceiling, LJ," and "Show me how old you are." Ty was pretty much a steady stream of bossy chatter, asking LJ all about his brothers and sisters (when he wasn't mentioned he added, "And I'm your brother!"), and asking me, "What color is LJ, mom?"

We went to the park and bookstore and playplace at McD's. Ty and LJ held hands everywhere we went. People stared everywhere we went. I smiled and felt love pouring from my heart.

Twice LJ wrapped his little arms around my neck and let me hold him close. I kissed his soft hair and told him how much I loved him. I asked him if he would like to come play at our house and his big saucer eyes nodded yes.

Ben and I didn't have titles or agendas or expectations; we just quietly enjoyed watching our two boys together. Both so different, yet so similar.

On the way back to the agency, Ty asked if we could keep him (I assured him we would) and wondered, out loud, where LJ's mama was. I tried to appease him by saying that LJ was living with his foster mama, right now, until he could come home with our family. Ty pressed, "No, mom, his other mom. Where is his first mama?"

He's a perceptive little guy.

When we got back to the agency, foster mom was waiting and had two of her adopted kids there. We stood and talked to the foster mom for quite some time while the four kids played. While foster mom retold her adopted kids stories, my heart filled with warmth for her for making a difference. For doing something great.

The school age girl's mother was addicted to cocaine and died from an overdose shortly after her birth. I later looked in the girl's eyes and told her I had never seen prettier dimples on someone in my whole life. Her face lit up like Christmas and I thanked God for his goodness.

These beautiful kids have the most horrific stories. But God. He is moving and leading and changing lives - especially mine.

At one point, LJ slipped on the gravel and looked up with hurt in his eyes. Without thinking, I ran to him and put him in my lap, kissing the palms of his hands. I heard foster mom say, behind me, "She's got this mom thing." At that moment, it didn't occur to me that she was still mom.

I am thankful for her acceptance of us.

We all hugged and kissed our baby boy goodbye and told him we would be back to visit.

Foster mom texted me later, saying, "Thank you for picking him out of all the kids in the world. You are getting a gem. Meeting you has eased my fears."

I can hear God's song rising.

Our story is far from over.

LJ's fifth sibling (sister) is one month old and in care. I would love for her to join our family, but my complete trust is in our heavenly father for her. It's a messy family file. While baby girl rests in the palms of Jesus, my eyes are focused on the second little boy to steal my heart.

Our third visit's tomorrow.


  1. precious boy. such a sweet story. thank you for sharing.

  2. Eek. In tears for you. Praise God!

  3. Our Lord is so good and so merciful. Everytime I read your stories, I am reminded of his goodness. He sees the rainbow, when we see only storms. I am going to pray for little sister, especially that she would find the perfect new family too. Your little Ty is one precious child, he and LJ are both precious gifts from above.

  4. This seriously makes my heart happy. Adoption has been the greatest blessing in my life. I am so excited to watch your new family unit unfold. :-) cannot wait until he is a permanent little member in your house!! Praying for baby sister to find her way. God is good!!

    Heather, Potterville MI

  5. Sounds like a PERFECT day! LOVE this story!

  6. I'm so happy for you and your family. It brings tears to my eyes! What do you mean his sister is "in care"? In foster care? Have her parents rights been terminated as well? :(

    1. She is in foster care, now. We're waiting to see whether or not mom will agree to her parenting plan or walk away.

    2. Oh how amazing it would be if baby girl became yours as well! Prayers!

  7. AWWWWW... too awesome. Would be great if you can get that litte girl as well!!!

  8. I commented once- I don't know if it got deleted or what?!?

    But... I am so crazily happy for your family! What a beautiful, touching, and amazing blessing! I can't wait to hear more. My heart is filled with love for you guys!

  9. What a gift, for everyone involved. He's a lucky all are.

  10. So happy for your family. God is good all the time!

  11. I couldn't wait to hear how it all went down on Saturday. What a wonderful mothers heart you have and what a wonderful family you have! I will be praying for his little sister too.

  12. He is so precious! God is so good!!

  13. So happy it was such a good day for all of you.

  14. Wow, this makes me so happy. I look for stories like this in my work every day - it is the best possible ending to a sad story for LJ - now his happy story begins! His foster mom sounds amazing, too! And I am SO hoping that if his baby sister needs a home, they strongly consider you! In the meantime, LJ is beyond gorgeous - your family is just beautiful!

  15. He is so precious! Praying for your third visit!

  16. That is just a beautiful story. What a sweet little boy Ty is!! And your new son...too cute for words. Blessings!

  17. He is so beautiful, and the thought that he's faced so much difficulty in his life breaks my heart. I am so grateful for people like you. You are getting a gem, and so is he. :)

  18. I just want to hug you! This is a BEAUTIFUL storY!!

  19. I've been following your blog for quite some time, but I'm not sure if I've ever commented, but I pray for your family quite often. This story is SO beautiful...the text from foster momma made me tear up. What a relief it has to be for her, knowing that such an amazing family is getting LJ! And she sounds pretty amazing too! :) I pray that things continue to go well, that LJ continues to attach to you, your husband and Ty, and that perhaps his little sister will also find a place in your beautiful family! :)

    Love and prayers,

  20. Beautiful precious gifts from God. Thank you for sharing your story and your heart. Can't wait for more updates.

  21. What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing with all of us. What a beautiful family. Can't wait to hear more. Praying for LJ's lil sis :(

  22. So happy to hear it all went so well on Saturday. It feels surreal, those first few visits. I imagine it's akin to how a mom feels after just giving birth and holding her baby the first time. It truly is amazing how deep your love can be for a child you just met. And it only gets better from here! :)

  23. I am eating up every precious detail! What a special, special story!

  24. So happy to read this update!

  25. Amazing! We are so overjoyed for your family and we don't even know you- You are all gems in our eyes!

  26. So glad to hear all of the details. So exciting.

  27. This makes my heart so happy!!!

  28. It sounds like it was a perfect day. As a momma through adoption myself, I cringe whenever I hear anyone refer to a child as "an adopted child". My boys are simply my children. Yes, they joined my family through adoption. Adoption is how they came into our family, just as many children enter families through birth. I would no sooner label them my "adopted sons" as I would label my nieces my "biological nieces" (although since they're hubby's brother's children, I suppose they aren't exactly).

  29. He is so adorable! He looks just like Gary Coleman from Different Strokes! Congrats to you and your family.

  30. I love reading your blog and am so happy to hear you are going to be able to adopt LJ soon. :)

  31. He is precious! What a wonderful example of God's redemption plan. Thanks for sharing!

  32. My heart is overflowing! :) Thanks so much for sharing.

  33. tears*
    had to go check on my 2 babes... baby girl is 9 months and her brother is 5 years...

    this is sooo magical. i always think of Jesus saying that He will finish the beauty He has started in you xx
