Friday, March 23, 2012

Bed Time

Am I seeing double...?


  1. Just toooooo cute! How special that you thought ahead of time to buy matching pjs!

    1. Oh, Meg, you should see their closet....they have matching/coordinating everything!! :)

    2. wouldn't expect anything less. love!

  2. they are just too cute together!

  3. Oh m gosh, so precious! Hope the night is uneventful

    1. awesome, praying its to start of many many wonderful nights soon!! (and can I say I am excited my comment actually posted!!)

  4. Adorable!! So blessed:)

  5. They are amazingly cute together! They look very comfortable with one another!

  6. LJ looks happy!! Warms my heart! Sweet little boys you've got there! :-)


  7. just wanted to give you a heads up that dressing a black child in monkey clothes is not a good idea. it is a long standing racial slur for people with dark skin and what is stereotyped as big ears and big lips. you can google it and you will be able to read the history behind the term. i understand that in our "day and age" we want to dispell those kinds of things, but even our president has been recently depicted as a monkey in modern art pieces mocking him. of course i know you didn't mean anything by it and probably weren't aware, but so begins a long list of things you have to be educated on when you choose to parent african american children.

  8. I am so happy for all of you!
    This is an example that God hears our prayers, and answers them.
    I cant wait to read your next post.


  9. Tears... Happy happy tears. I'm so happy for him and for your family!

  10. This makes my heart smile! Thank you for sharing your journey!

  11. I don't comment often, but I read every post. This one made me giggle out loud. Just wanted to let you know your family warms my heart. :)

  12. Long time reader but first time commenter. Loving these updates. Just so sweet!

  13. Just curious (and am not sure if you answered this question before): Are you able to have an open adoption with his birthparents? I know that is very important to you with Rebekah and am curious how that is fitting in with you here.

    Your family is beautiful and your boys look so sweet together! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.


  14. Rebekah..thank you for having the heart for these little boys, and opening your home and heart to them. I want to encourage you to continue to love..Don't be offended by disrespectful comments about trivialities like animal prints on PJ's. These are your kids and you have their best interests at heart.As a black-african woman, i take no offense in that. Often times people that bring these irrelevant issues up are the ones that tend to needlessly magnify them.

  15. DOULBE Cuteness!


  16. It is not a "triviality". I TOO am a black woman and when I saw this post, I thought, huh...I bet she doesn't know about black people and monkeys. We know not to put our kids in these clothes but most white people have never heard of this issue. I was glad to see someone spoke up. It does not have to be offensive for someone to make another blogger aware. We are a community of people who need one another. It is NOT irrelevant at all. It is quite relevant actually and ought to be pointed out. Good for the person to say something. She didn't seem rude or condescending, she was just pointing out what is a known thing amongst our people. Rebekah is a fabuolous mother, I have been reading this blog for years now, and I know that you would want to know better so you can DO better. Good for you publishing that comment even though it could be perceived as criticism. I look forward to many more posts about your gorgeous sons.

  17. So exciting to see your boys together! One step closer to becoming a fOREVER family!!! PS I know you are way too intelagent to pay attention to anonymus people and their idiotic post!!! Your boys look adorable in matching PJ's

  18. This is so cute, I don't know what to say.

  19. what a great shot! Im so happy for you guys!

    cindie bass

  20. I've been reading yoru blogs but this is my first time commenting. Thank you SO much for being so transparent and honest about this journey. Your prayers to God and honesty about your feelings has really ministered to me. My husband and I are in the foster to adopt process. We're close to getting our license. Your blog has been a constant source of inspiration and confirmation. Thanks for allowing God to use you.

    And as an African-American woman, I'm not at all offended by "monkeys." In fact I have a jungle theme in my nursery and there are pictures of monkeys in it. My sister has cute monkey pajamas that she dresses her boys in as well. I'm sure this is the first of many opinions you will hear. You've done such a great job of educating Ty about his history and his "first mama." I'm sure you will be just as thoughtful when you educate LJ about his history. Continue to let God use you and be your guide.

