Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"He can share everything."

So much for keeping his name hidden.
This was too precious not to post.
It's a good glimpse into my sweet boy's heart.

"He can share my mommy and daddy..."

Melt. My. Heart.


  1. I have quietly been following your story for a long time and I'm so excited to hear your news! I would love to see the video but it says it's private and won't open.

  2. so adoreable!!!


  3. ohhhhhhhh, melt my heart indeed! This is actually a tear jerker, that last line is the most precious thing ever!!!

  4. He has a beautiful heart because his mommy and daddy have raised him in a beautiful way. You are wonderful parents and your little boys are blessed indeed.

  5. Congrats, Rebekah! I am so happy for you and your family.

  6. My husband just watched this with me, and he said, "You're going to cry, aren't you?" And I said, "I already am!" That was so sweet. Ty is such a loving little boy -- thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh my goodness...that is so sweet! And the snowman might run away was hysterical! Your boys are blessed to have a mommy and daddy that are teaching them that Jesus wants us to share - love - with others...your new little one will learn fast from Ty, so I figure I can say he's already blessed with what he's going to learn!

    God bless you guys on this new adventure!

    Lisa in SD

  8. So sweet! He talks up a storm!! My girl is a late talker and it's amazing to see what some 2 year olds are capable of!

  9. Ty has such a sweet soul...but that is no surprise! :)

  10. I have been following your blog for quite some time but I believe this is the first time I've commented. I want to let you know how excited I am for you and Ben, but most especially for Ty and this little boy. There is no greater gift than a sibling. I am looking forward to watching your family grow and love one another.

  11. "How is the snowman going to get legs?"
    "We can make legs!" I love matter of fact kid answers.

    And yes, SO incredibly sweet. You are one blessed woman. :)

  12. So pure and so beautiful! Congrats!!!

  13. Ty's heart is so sweet. His heart speaks volumes about how his mommy & daddy and their hearts. Bless you as you welcome your new son home!!

  14. You are so blessed~~as are your boys. :-)

  15. I have been following your blog for a while now and you gave me hope wile we waited for our daughter to come home. We waited 1 year from the time we signed with our attorney and during that wait reading your blog about your wait and match and process gave me the strength to know I could get through it. Seeing your amazing son on video just was simply adorable.......congrats!!!!


  16. Ahh..Be still my heart!

    I've been a long time reader and I've never commented before..but goodness! This video brought tears to my eyes! You and your husband are doing such a wonderful job raising Ty. He has a beautiful soul!

  17. What a perfect way to start the day. Ty is such a blessing of innocence. He portrays what really matters....family, love, and kindness!

  18. Oh my, what a gift to see the heart of your precious little boy. Your newest son is blessed to gain not only a mommy and daddy but a brother with wide open arms and heart! Will be praying for your transitioning as you bring your new son home.

    Kim M

  19. So, so sweet! I am so happy to see your story unfolding in this way. What a sweet boy precious Ty is!

  20. He is BEAUTIFUL!!! Looking forward to meeting "Little Boy!".

  21. I love his sweetness. Congrats to you all on this new family adventure. I will be praying for you all as things move along and your bring Little Boy home!

  22. Bless his kind heart! You have raised a sweet little boy! Can't wait to follow your new journey as a family of four. What a blessing these kids are, and what a blessing you are to them. Love this. Makes my heart feel good. :)


  23. Ty is such a precious little boy. Every video of him just melts my heart.

  24. Rebekah:
    I just wanted you to know how excited I am for your whole family. Ty is probably the sweetest little boy I have ever seen. You guys have done an amazing job with him. I also want you to know that as a very hopeful adoptive parent (our baby is due in July if all goes as planned) your adoption story has shown my husband and myself exactly how adoption should be done. The way that you have always been so warm, welcoming and open with Rebekah has really touched our hearts. I even shared your blog with the expectant mom that has come into our lives to show her exactly what we want in terms of our open adoption.
    Wishing you all the love and luck in the world and praying that Laron adjusts quickly to the wonderful and long overdue home he is being provided.

  25. You are blessed!!! Your boys are blessed to have a mommy and daddy! Ty has a beautiful heart because you and your hubby have raised him in a beautiful way. Thanks for sharing this sweet video. Can't wait to hear all about the homecoming.

  26. SO happy and excited for your family :) This brings tears to my eyes...how did our little baby boys grow up so fast. ;) So excited to see what this new chapter will bring to your lives!

  27. Too sweet! He is going to be a fabulous brother!

  28. Naaaawwwwwww, Ty is the ....... bestbrotherever.com

  29. That was the sweetest video ever! Little Boy is one lucky little guy : ) Congratulations on your newest addition!

  30. That is very sweet. Thanks for sharing it.

  31. So very precious! I have been following your blog since you were on your journey to Sweet Tyrus, and I must say, You and Ben are so very blessed to have such a sweet, precious boy, as is Tyrus, to have loving parents such as you. I know you will be blessed even more with "Little Boy" and sweet Ty will be a wonderful big brother.

  32. Rebekah your little boy is the sweetest!!! Congratulations on the newest addition to your family, he's a lucky little guy to be joining a family like yours!!!

  33. Aww, your son is SO precious!!!

    I am a new reader. I have been so captivated and inspired by your story and your strong faith, and I am overjoyed for you with adopting your new son! Can't wait to continue following you on your journey.

  34. SO SWEET! He just melts my heart!
    You guys should be so proud of raising such a sweet and loving little boy!
    I cant wait to read more about your new journey with another special addition to your family!

  35. I've been following your blog since pre-ty but don't take the time to comment very often. This post just melted my heart! Your boy is so sweet and understanding! So happy for your family! Congratulations!
